Creamy Butter Prawn

Creamy Butter Prawns

Our internet line at home has been nothing but a pain in the %$#@ for the last 5 days. I was trying to post this recipe since Monday but due to the super duper slow internet connection… it was unsuccessful… so frustrated. Just imagine… login into my website took  me ages, let alone uploading photos, so after a couple of days trying, I finally gave up but thank God that the service is up and running on full capacity today. Finally I can share this recipe with you guys.

The delicious taste of this creamy butter prawn brought back some good memories when I was a young engineer doing site commissioning at Shell PD. Back then my boss normally will “belanja” me and my other engineers buddy at this seafood restaurant and this particular dish was my favourite. I actually tried to make this dish couple of times but was not that successful until I stumbled upon this blog recently. So, please give it a try, who knows you will love it as much as I do.

Aina loves this soooo much he he he ….

Ingredients :

  • 8 – 10 Big Prawns
  • 1/2 Stick of Butter
  • 170gm Evaporated milk
  • 3-4 Small chilies (chilli padi)
  • 5-6 strands Curry leaves
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic (chopped till fine)
  • 2 tbsp oil for frying

Methods :

  1. Heat oil and fry the prawns with some curry leaves for 1-2 minutes, just so it is sort of half cooked . Remove and keep aside.
  2. Using the same saucepan, put in the butter and garlic for 2-3 mins on low heat, then add in evaporated milk and curry leaves. Let it simmer.
  3. Now add sugar and salt to taste. Once the sauce is thicken, add small  chillies so that the spicyness sips out.
  4. Lastly, when taste is right, add the half cooked prawns back  into the saucepan and cook for another 1-2 minutes.


Okay… here are few snapshots taken during Haqeem’s first day of school.

Haqeem in his new school uniform.


Senyum la sikit bang oi…

Shrimp Toast

Shrimp Toast

Howdy howdy howdy… I hope everyone is in good mental state on this lovely day he he he… Well, after a long 3-day weekend I think everyone should be fully recharged and eager to start their week regardless of what line of job they are in. Actually for us in Kuwait we started our brand new week yesterday (Sunday) because we had our public holiday on Thursday but it is not too late to wish everyone a wonderful week ahead.

February is a very short month for us in Kuwait. Why? Well, Kuwait celebrates their National and Liberation Day on the 25th and 26th of February every year and the government normally will give few days extra. As for our kids’ school, this year it will be closed from 24th February to 3rd March, a total of 9 days break. Lots of people usually will take this opportunity to travel and if by now you have not booked your flight out of Kuwait, must probably you will have to stay here for that duration because the flights are fully booked already. Most people here make their February travel plans sometimes in December, so if you have missed the boat this year, make sure to put it in your diary so that you won’t miss it again!

Okay… enough with that, lets talk about our recipe for today ; Shrimp toast. This is originally a Chinese appetizer called Hatosi (蝦多士)  in Cantonese, Ha meaning shrimp, Tosi being a loan word from English meaning toast. This dish has over 100 years of history, originating in the Guangzhou Canton, in China’s Guangdong Province.

There are many different versions of this shrimp toast, but our family were introduced to this snack only a couple of week back by a  friend  at our favourite Thai restaurant here in Kuwait, where the shrimp paste-covered bread is dipped in sesame seeds before frying. This gives the end result a fantastic crunch and works perfectly with a sweet Thai sauce.

So crunchy and addictive....


  • 100g shrimp – peel and de-vein
  • 1/2 tsp corn flour
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp egg white
  • salt n pepper to taste
  • sesame seed


    1. Mix everything except sesame seed in food processor and pulse until become smooth paste.
    2. Spread the paste onto a slice of bread and then cut into half. Coat with sesame seed.
    3. Add about 1/2 inches of oil to a heavy bottomed pan until it reaches approx 190C. If you don’t have a thermometer, drop a small piece of bread into the oil. If it rises to the surface and starts sizzling, it is ready.
    4. Add the toasts, shrimp and sesame seed side down. When the edges of the bread start to brown, flip the toasts over and fry the bread side until it is golden brown. Transfer to a paper towel lined rack with the bread side facing the paper towel to drain as much oil as possible.
    5. Serve with the Sweet Thai Chili Sauce for dipping.

Thanks to Azura and Mady for introducing us to this wonderful snack